IGG Coordinator
Silv, my heart is broken know that you have moved on to another dimension. When I came to Penn three years ago and started at the Registrar's Office, your warmth, your fashion, your love for your family, your love of fashion, and long "ciao" are some of the things I loved most at the office.

Whenever I saw you on campus, you would greet me with hugs and kisses and always reminding me that I can take on the world, just have to continue to move forward and face the sun. Thank you for believing in me, Silv. I will miss you dearly.

Your legacy is what I will carry on in my heart.

Love and miss you.

Ciao for now,
Thalia Mangan (Registrar's Office)
Mir Elias
Heartbroken to hear about such a bright light as Silvia leaving us so soon to become a star in the heavens. A small token of my love and admiration--a poem for dark times:

The Space Between

We all want roses without the thorns.
But, when the night is dark, the stars still shine.
We learn to live in the space between.
And, we wait.
We tend the embers of the heart
until the rains come and
we rise with the smoke.

Mehrin (Mir) Masud-Elias
Joe Shannon
I fondly remember riding the trolley car with Silva and Rick a few years ago. A great couple and she was always so pleasant to work with while in SRFS. Celebrate her life and how she enriched so many people's lives. Take care of each other and God Bless.
Joe Shannon
Meredith Methlie
I'm so sorry to hear of Silvia's passing. She started at the Registrar's office around the same time I started with Organizational Dynamics. We would joke about how we were learning to do our jobs together. Every conversation I had with her made my day brighter--her cheerfulness and her big laugh always made me smile. I can still hear her saying 'Allora, Meredita' as we figured out weird classroom assignments and joked and talked about our kids. Sending love and peace to all her friends and family.
Brianna Potts
It's hard to know what to say at a time like this. Silvia was a rare soul. The first time I met her, I was struck by her warmth and charisma. I would often run into her on campus during lunch break and we would always chat for a while. We discovered that we had a few unusual things in common. We would always laugh. I am so sad that I will never see her on campus again. My heart goes out to her family.
Martin Haenick
I met Silvia at Penn while working on the NGSS program. Whenever I saw her - even though I barely knew her - she made me feel at home with a kiss on the cheek and invitation for coffee. So sad to hear she has left us. A truly bright light for me during my time at Penn.
Roberto Novelli
Ciao Zia, finalmente riesco a trovare la forza di scrivere, non posso e non voglio ancora credere che sia veramente accaduto tutto questo.
Di ricordi ne ho un’infinità, ma voglio tenerli per me, per tenerti per il resto della mia vita presente nei miei pensieri. Ne abbiamo fatte tante di cose insieme, sono stato il primo tuo nipote, il più “piccolo” come dicevi sempre.

Mi chiedevi sempre di venirti a trovare lì negli Stati Uniti e fortunatamente quest’anno ci sono riuscito anche se per pochi giorni, ma ringrazio di aver potuto passare ancora qualche giorno con te!

Ti chiedo scusa se nell’ultimo periodo sono sparito, non sono una persona forte e vederti in quello stato mi faceva troppo male, preferisco ricordarti forte e sorridente come eri sempre.

Adesso corri a riabbracciare nonno e dagli un bacio immenso da parte mia

Ciao Zia
Il tuo piccolo Mr Magoo😘
Colleen Reece
Rick, Elzo and Giulia,

When I think of your mother/wife the first thing I think of is CIAO and her smile. Whenever I was in Silvia's company, I always felt at ease. If I had to find one word to describe her it would be GENUINE.

Deepest sympathy,

The Reeces (Mike, Colleen, Elizabeth and Michael)
Barbara Mathews-Bowen
Sending deepest condolences and love to Elzo and Giulia. Your mother clearly had a passion for life and cared deeply for others. You are a beautiful testament to her spirit.
Catia Marcucci
Mia cara cugina la tua luce illuminerà la mia strada.
Eri una donna meravigliosa, il tuo sorriso scaldava il cuore delle persone.
Sei nei miei pensieri e nel mio cuore.
Un abbraccio forte a Richard, Elzo e Giulia.
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